Announcing Conclave Cloud – Confidential Serverless Computing Architecture

Introducing Conclave Cloud, confidential serverless computing architecture with built-in privacy-preserving features leveraging Intel® SGX.

Ivar Wiersma
Head of Conclave at R3

The global pandemic and hybrid ways of working have accelerated the creation of data and businesses moving to the cloud. But with data exploding in size and use, data breaches have also exploded in number and impact – and that is a serious problem. In short – you simply can’t trust someone else’s computer. The moment you hand over data, you have to trust that the receiver will do with the data what you expect them to do, and nothing else. You must trust these companies based on their reputation, processes, and people that your data is safe in their hands.

Many companies understand this problem is the reason why 30 zettabytes of data are currently not migrated to public cloud environments. It is the same reason why the next acceleration of value creation is not happening – because security specialists, savvy developers, executives, and regulators prevent sensitive data sets from being shared and used for analysis. The data isn’t safe.

Confidential Computing: Security for the Cloud Age

Luckily this situation is changing. Confidential computing offers a solution by leveraging trusted execution environments: ringfenced CPUs that operate completely isolated from the rest of the computer, and even from the people administering that computer. Also when it’s in the cloud. Data is fully encrypted while it’s in use and processed inside secure enclaves. Now you can trust someone else’s computer and securely share data with comfort, having the confidence it’s only used as intended.

There is a problem, though: confidential computing is hard. You need security specialists, low level programmers and cryptographers. You need to understand which technology and method to use for what use case and you must spend a lot of time on infrastructure and configuration before you can work on the application and business logic.

Introducing Conclave Cloud - Confidential Serverless Computing Architecture

This changes today. With the launch of Conclave Cloud beta, we are making data privacy the default for businesses. We have completely abstracted away the complexity of confidential computing and make it easy to use for every developer. We’re making it fast and simple to create truly privacy-first applications, and we’re starting with Conclave Functions.

Think AWS Lambda or Azure Functions, but with privacy-preserving features built in. Only pay for what you use, scale as you grow, and don’t worry about infrastructure at all. You can enjoy all the benefits of Functions as a Service platforms as you already know them, but with the complete comfort - and technical proof - that code is executed inside a secure enclave. Data stays encrypted, even while in use.

Conclave Cloud beta is ready for external testing and we invite you to try it for free. Get started with confidential serverless computing architecture today and set up your first project in minutes!

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